Sunday, October 18, 2009

Football (American) in Portugal

There is football (futebol, or as we know it, soccer) and the much less known and/or liked futebol americano in Portugal. The futebol americano is a non-professional version, but still very competitive from what I hear. The team that Don helps with practices on a grassy area where the Vasco de Gama bridge starts on the Lisbon side of the river. It is about 15 or 20 minutes from our house and a little more when Don gets lost. There are so many streets, buildings, traffic, twists and turns, that even when you are somewhat familiar with an area it is still easy to lose your way.

The videos are from one of the first practice sessions.

This morning there is actually a scrimmage going on between two teams at a stadium. The game will serve two purposes - practice game for the teams, and learning and practice for the new referees. Don had to leave at 7am and I am waiting for him to come home and tell me how it went. I wonder how crazy it got.

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