Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Normal Day

Yesterday we found out that our driver's license paper (the temporary paper we have before our real Portugal cards come) was expiring today.  A few months ago, I would have had a little worry attack, dreading all the possible difficulties, but this time the first thing that came to mind was, "Lord, help me not to worry about this and help us to just get this taken care of."

Not only were we able to find the place this morning (about a 25 minute drive away), with the help of good directions from a friend, be we also had our Portuguese friend able to go with us, as his day was open. There was no problems and then we went back in the afternoon (again with our Portuguese friend) to pick up our "renewed pieces of paper"(aka our temporary driver's licenses).

But the biggest thrill of the day for me was being able to drive there in the afternoon traffic, navigate the traffic, not stall the car or grind the gears, make all the right turns and have the sense of things just being a "normal" day. (Have we told you about there being very few legal left turns on the roads here and when you miss an exit or turn you have to sometimes go a long distance before you can find a way back?)

When we got back to our apartment building and were going into the garage I didn't have the sense of relief I used to have when we'd go somewhere new (usually with a few wrong turns) and would get back - so glad to be off the roads and safely home. It was just a normal day that I thought would never come!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, I think that it must be really nice for you to have that feeling! It's been a long haul from a normal day in Bradford running errands to Lisbon: the place where everyone zips around and hope that they don't run into each other.