Saturday, August 22, 2009


We've been told by our children that pizza in other countries is not the same as the kind we are
used to in the States. Okay, so we knew that and expected things to be a little different but I had to laugh last night at the shocked expression on Don's face when we opened the box.

We had walked about an 8 minute walk from our apartment to pick up some pizza for supper. He'd ordered a special deal and we carried the boxes home. Don had ordered a "frango" (chicken) pizza but this is what it looked like when we opened the box. Yes, there was some shredded chicken but I'm not sure what they call that other topping. They look and taste like little hot dogs or those vienna sausages in a can. Needless to say, Don wasn't too impressed with the taste. The special was two pizzas and a bottle of coke, so at least the other pizza was something he liked - a pepperoni and mushroom. The funny thing is that everything here tastes just a little different - even when it is the same brand that we have.

1 comment:

The Byrd's Nest said...

Isn't vienna sausage European??? lol That does look very interesting. Pizza here in Costa Rica is muy delicisioso!!!!