Saturday, April 3, 2010

Spring Around the Neighborhood

Spring is on it's way in to the city and we are enjoying some days of sun and milder weather. Most of time there are people just about everywhere. You see them walking on the sidewalks, coming in and out of buildings, standing in line at the small neighborhood markets and stores, waiting at the bus stop and on the metro platforms...  Oddly enough, if you really want some time without many people around on the streets or in the cars, just go out around 9 on a Sunday morning. You will see some more activity starting around 10 when people begin to get out and run down to a cafe or on the way to some place that they are going for the day.

I took these pictures on a Sunday morning before noon - see what I mean about few people?

This last picture is from the bus stop across the street from our apartment building (the one on the left side of the picture).

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