Saturday, February 6, 2010

Old Dogs, New Tricks

Since language classes start back up on Monday, I'm trying to get caught up on some blogging before I'm back to the old grind with not much free time.

Don and I have been learning a lot of new things and I was thinking about how different life is for us in a lot of ways now and one is simply that we are not just "car" people anymore. In fact, for most of the time, we often don't use the car on loan to us, but we use our feet, the metro, and just recently the bus. I'd never even been in a subway but just a few times in my life and now it is almost a daily occurrence.

Here I am at the ticket/recharge machines in our neighborhood metro stop. It is a an 8 minute walk from our apartment at a brisk pace. We use a card that we recharge for a set rate for the month and can ride the metro and certain buses as many times as we want. I know the different lines (they go by colors - green, yellow, blue and red) and I can read the maps and see where the exits take you. The first few times we rode the metro were like an unreal experience, but now, it is just another part of a normal day. I do have to admit that I still prefer to use the English screen on the machine to the Portuguese one, but some day...

1 comment:

Maria said...

Hello Hulseys! I am so glad to hear you are doing well and enjoying your life in Lisbon. I read your blog on occasion and love reading about the adventures you are having as you adjust to life in a new culture. You have Skype don't you? I would love to chat sometime and catch up! God bless you both. Maria